Rocket Launch Schedule

An up-to-date list of all scheduled rocket launches. There are currently 339 planned launches from spaceports worldwide.

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339 Results

In Flight

27 Jul, 5:45am

A batch of satellites for the Starlink mega-constellation - SpaceX's project for space-based Internet communication system.

Last Update: Liftoff

28 Jul, 4:13am

A batch of satellites for the Starlink mega-constellation - SpaceX's project for space-based Internet communication system.

Last Update: T-0 accurate to the second

28 Jul, 7:24am

A batch of satellites for the Starlink mega-constellation - SpaceX's project for space-based Internet communication system.

Last Update: T-0 is accurate to the second

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30 Jul, 10:45am

Classified payload for the US Space Force.

Last Update: GO for launch.

Synthetic aperture radar satellites for Japanese Earth imaging company Synspective.

Last Update: NET 30th July 16:15 UTC

Details TBD.

Last Update: Launch apparently scrubbed based on launch ship location tracking.

A batch of satellites for the Starlink mega-constellation - SpaceX's project for space-based Internet communication system.

Last Update: Targeting NET August 2 per NOTAM F2669/24.

3 Aug, 3:28pm

This is the 21st flight of the Orbital ATK's uncrewed resupply spacecraft Cygnus and its 20th flight to the International Space Station under the Commercial Resupply Services contract with NASA.

Last Update: GO for launch (11:30 mark of video)

7 Aug, 3:15am

Payload manifest is TBD, but includes the cubesats Space Rickshaw-0 and IITMSAT.

Updated: Jul 27, 6:00am UTC

Progress resupply mission to the International Space Station.

Last Update: NET August 13 (11:35 mark of video).

Dedicated rideshare flight to a sun-synchronous orbit with dozens of small microsatellites and nanosatellites for commercial and government customers.

Last Update: NET August 15.

18 Aug, 9:39am

🎯 Low Earth Orbit
👨‍🚀 4 Astronauts

SpaceX Crew-9 is the ninth crewed operational flight of a Crew Dragon spacecraft to the International Space Station as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program.

Last Update: NET August 18 (launch time via

A batch of satellites for the Starlink mega-constellation - SpaceX's project for space-based Internet communication system.

Updated: Jul 27, 6:00am UTC

ASBM (Arctic Satellite Broadband Mission) 1 & 2 are two twin satellites built by Northrop Grumman for Space Norway, in cooperation with Inmarsat and the Norwegian Ministry of Defence. They are designed to bring mobile broadband coverage in the Arctic for both civilians and military. The US Air Force provides the Extremely High Frequency eXtended Data Rate payloads on ASBM satellites as part of the Enhanced Polar System Recapitalization (EPS-R) program.

Last Update: Reverting to TBD July pending completion of the investigation into the Starlink Group 9-3 second engine failure

Fifth test flight of the two-stage Starship launch vehicle.

Last Update: NET August.

A batch of satellites for the Starlink mega-constellation - SpaceX's project for space-based Internet communication system.

Last Update: Reverting to TBD July pending completion of the investigation into the Starlink Group 9-3 second engine failure

A batch of satellites for the Starlink mega-constellation - SpaceX's project for space-based Internet communication system.

Updated: Jul 27, 6:00am UTC

A batch of satellites for the Starlink mega-constellation - SpaceX's project for space-based Internet communication system.

Updated: Jul 27, 6:00am UTC

A batch of satellites for the Starlink mega-constellation - SpaceX's project for space-based Internet communication system.

Updated: Jul 27, 6:00am UTC

WorldView Legion is a constellation of Earth observation satellites built and operated by Maxar. Constellation is planned to consist of 6 satellites in both polar and mid-inclination orbits, providing 30 cm-class resolution.

Last Update: NET August.

🎯 Low Earth Orbit
👨‍🚀 4 Astronauts

First mission of the privately funded Polaris program. The goal of this mission, lasting up to five days in orbit, is to fly higher than previous Dragon missions, perform the first-ever commercial EVA with SpaceX-designed spacesuits, orbit through portions of the Van Allen radiation belt, conduct medical research, and test laser-based Starlink communications in space.

Last Update: NET August.

Payload consists of a single SAR Earth-imaging Acadia satellite, a new generation satellite designed, manufactured, and operated by Capella Space.

Last Update: Delayed due to satellite issues.

A batch of satellites for the Starlink mega-constellation - SpaceX's project for space-based Internet communication system.

Updated: Jul 27, 6:00am UTC


Aug 2024

GSAT-20 is an Indian geostationary Ka-band high-throughput communications satellite. GSAT 20 is reportedly built on the I-6K unified modular bus and features a Ka-band high-throughput communications payload with 70 Gbps throughput utilizing multiple spot beams providing broadband services across the Indian region. It will be the first fully Electric Propulsion/EP enabled satellite which can be five to six times more efficient than chemical-based propulsion. It will be the first ISRO made satellite to move from Geostationary transfer orbit to Geosynchronous orbit using Electric Propulsion.

Last Update: NET August.

Soyuz MS-26 will carry two cosmonauts and one astronaut to the International Space Station aboard the Soyuz spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

Updated: Jul 27, 6:00am UTC