Luna 26 Mission

Launch Status


Date & Time



Cosmodrome Site 1S

Launch Service Provider


Luna 26

Mission Type

Planetary Science


Lunar Orbit

Luna 26 (also named Luna-Resurs) is a planned lunar polar orbiter, part of the Luna-Glob program, by the Russian space agency Roscosmos. In addition to its scientific role, the Luna 26 orbiter would also function as a telecommunication relay between Earth and Russian landed assets. The scientific payload on board the orbiter is composed of fourteen instruments that will be fabricated by Russia. The payload will study the lunar surface and the environment around the Moon, including the solar wind, and high-energy cosmic rays. Luna 26 will also scout sites for the planned Luna 27 landing mission. Luna 26 is the second mission of Russia's new lunar program, which includes the launch of Luna 27, a heavy lander that will study the composition of the lunar soil by collecting several samples. Luna 28, a lunar samples return mission, will be the first to return samples at lunar temperature, and will serve as a demonstration for a future Martian samples return mission. Finally, Luna 29 should land a heavy lunar rover on the surface.

Updated: Jan 3, 8:05pm UTC

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