Kondor-FKA No.2 Mission

Launch Status


Date & Time

29 Nov 2024, 9:50pm


Cosmodrome Site 1S

Launch Service Provider


Kondor-FKA No.2

Mission Type

Earth Science


Sun-Synchronous Orbit

The Kondor-FKA is a small civilian radar Earth observation satellite designed by NPO Mashinostroyeniya as a civilian counterpart to the Kondor-E satellite. The Kondor satellite features a S-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR), which can conduct both continous swath surweys or detailed spot surveys. The swath width is 10 km. Ground resolution is 1 to 2 m in spotlight mode, 1 to 3 m in stripmap mode and 5 to 30 m in ScanSAR mode.

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Трансляция запуска спутника «Кондор-ФКА» № 2 с космодрома Восточный

Last Update: Success confirmed

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