Proba-3 Mission

Mission patch Proba-3 mission patch

Launch Status


Date & Time

5 Dec 2024, 10:34am


Satish Dhawan Space Centre First Launch Pad

Launch Service Provider




Mission Type


Proba-3 (Project for On-Board Autonomy 3) is the first close formation flying mission for the European Space Agency (ESA). It consists of two independent, three-axis stabilised spacecraft flying 150 meters from one another with the ability to accurately control the attitude and separation of the two craft. Such formation flying will be maintained for 6 hours, creating ″artificial solar eclipse″ for the satellite below. The spacecraft pair will fly a highly elliptical orbit divided between periods of accurate formation flying around apogee, when payload operations will be possible, and periods of free flight.

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ISRO Official

PSLV-C59/PROBA-3 Mission

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